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Configuration file locations

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CADplot always searches for its system and support files in the following locations:




<Application Root>

The CADtools installation folder.

C:\Program Files\Oasys\CADtools 2.4\...


Office/Domain files e.g. office address details, office printing devices, office templates...

The default is P:\Program Files\Oasys\DomainSettings\...

Can be overridden via Options > CADtools Settings > Domain/office settings directory

<Project Dwg Root>

This is where the ProjectSettings.txt file is located.


Note: If a ProjectSettings.txt is not found, it is assumed that the current drawing is not part of a project.


<Project Dwg Settings>

Project specific files e.g. plot styles tables, project templates...


<Current drawing folder>

Folder specific files e.g. 3rd party plot styles tables...

<Current drawing folder>\Engine\Configuration



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