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Change Block Member

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Changes properties of selected block member(s)



This command allows the colour, linetype and layer properties of one or more block sub-entities to be changed to those of a selected existing entity, or to those of the user’s choice. Attributes are also supported, and if an attribute is picked, all instances of this attribute in the drawing will be updated. Further insertions of the block will also contain the ‘new’ attribute properties. If the object selected is not a block member or attribute, the command will behave as ‘Change All’.


Command: CBM

Object selected will inherit ALL properties of target.

Select block member: Pick object

This entity is not a member of a block. Warning message - command will still function

Select target entity/Type <.> for current properties or <RETURN> to enter properties: Select entity with desired properties, or enter <.> for current properties, or input values




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