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Creates custom entities with text from existing lines, arcs and polylines.



This command will convert any number of normal lines, arcs or lightweight polylines to Tlines. Other entities selected are unaffected. Any polyline segments that have variable width are left unaltered, as are segments for which the text is too long.


Command: MTL

Select entities for TLINING: Select objects

Select text string of desired height or <Return> to enter text height: Pick text or <Return>

Enter Text Height [1.8/2.5/3.5/7] <3.5>: Enter text height

Enter pen for text [Red/Yellow/Green/Cyan/Blue/Magenta/White/byLayer/byblOck/As-line] <As-Line>: Enter pen colour for text

Enter repeat length of text (actual), or pick <1000>: Enter repeat length

Enter text <XXXX>: Enter the text


The line and/or arc segments and text are then converted to a standard block.



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