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Text Height

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Alters the height of existing text.



Alters the text height of any selected text to a specified size, or to match other text picked from the screen. The user may pick the text height size from the pop up list or right-click menu, type it in, or pick the desired text example from the screen. If a user-defined height is specified, it will be multiplied by the base plotting scale, and if a non-standard text height is chosen, the user is prompted for a new text colour if required. This function also works with attributed blocks, where all attributes in the block will be updated, and with tlines, where the user is given the option of changing the repeat length.


Command: THT

Pick text string(s) for change of height: PICK OBJECTS

Select text string of desired height or <Return> to enter text height: Pick target entity from screen or <Return> to enter height.

Enter Text Height (1.8/2.5/3.5/5/7) <3.5> : Type in height

Non-standard text height chosen. Change text colour? Yes/<No>: y

Enter Text Colour: (Red/Yellow/Green/Cyan/Blue/White) <Red> : Enter colour for text



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