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Base dataset

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Bentley’s Structural Modeller product comes with a number of datasets which control the available section types, part, families, drawing extraction re-symbolisation and other settings.  The 2 datasets included with Structural Modeller are the ‘SI dataset’ and the ‘Imperial dataset’, which are based on the Metric (SI) and Imperial measurement systems.  The SI dataset will be most important for Arup and is currently the only one that has been configured to work with the Arup CAD standard.  A dataset must be configured to use the correct layers, hence there is a relationship between the Triforma dataset in use on a project, and the layering scheme in use on that project.


A dataset is comprised of a number of directories and files, and is also layered such that the Structural Modeller and Bentley Building Systems (HVAC) dataset both rely on the underlying Triforma dataset.


E.g. the ‘Structural SI’ dataset relies on files and folders in the ‘stf_si’ directory, and the ‘tf_si’ directory, similarly the ‘HVAC Metric’ dataset relies on the files and folders in ‘hvac_metric_uk’ and ‘tf_si’ directories.  This means that the HVAC modeller and Structural modellers can easily share common configuration data.


In CADtools Structural these dataset files are located on P: drive and will be referred to as the ‘base dataset’.

CADtools includes a base dataset for the following product and layering standard combinations, all these base datasets live in P:\Program Files\Oasys\CADtools_Ustn\Apps\Trifroma_V8i\Triforma\.



Layering standard

‘Base dataset’ directory name

Structural Modeller

Arup Structural

Stf_si (also uses the tf_si dataset)

Structural Modeller

Arup Civil (Bridges)


Bentley Building Mechanical Systems


Hvac_metric_uk (also uses the tf_si dataset)

Bentley Architecture






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