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CAD file structure

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A recommended file naming convention for use with Bentley Structural is as follows:

TM_??? is the model

TS_ ??? is an extraction from that model,


There are then 2 workflows for where annotations are added to the extracted line work.

When multiple extracted section files are combined to create one drawing it is easier to annotate that drawing in the ‘default’ model of the ‘drawing file’ (i.e. where you place the mock border.)


When a single extracted section is the only one used to create a drawing, it is often easier to annotate in the section file.  This allows you to moved extracted text around, dimension elements with association (so the dimension updates if a new section is cut).  Microstation achieves this by not overwriting the contents of your section file, and honouring element associations.


Refer also to Watchits! – Sections 10


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