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Quantity reporting tools

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Bentley Structural includes tools for creating Excel spreadsheets of Quantity reports directly from the application.




The ‘Structural Spreadsheets’ toolbox.


The quantities reporting toolbox contains 2 icons, the left-hand icon (with yellow columns) uses a default spreadsheet as the ‘seed’ for the report.  After the spread sheet opens, select items from the ‘Structural Quantity Report’ menu in Excel to generate the report.  It is possible to change some data in the Excel spreadsheet, and then update those elements in the Triforma model.

The right-hand icon allows you to select your own ‘seed’ spreadsheet to generate the Quantity report.  Aside from the default Bentley seed Excel file called “STF Quantity ReportV8.xls”, CADtools Structural includes a number of seed spreadsheet as follows:

CADtools Quantity ReportV8 + Report Wizard.xls

CADtools Quantity ReportV8 + glass.xls


These can be found in the directory:
P:\Program Files\Oasys\CADtools_Ustn\Apps\Triforma_v8i\structural\macros\

Unfortunately there is no way to tell Structural to default to a specific location for the spreadsheets, it always defaults to a place on C: drive. The CADtools Structural install batch file will put a shortcut on the C: drive which points to the aforementioned P: drive location, so you can get there quickly. The versions of the spreadsheets on P: are modified, to include bug fixes as we find them.





Shortcut to the ‘CADtools Report Spreadsheets’.  If this shortcut is not installed on your PC, simply make a shortcut to: P:\Program Files\Oasys\CADtools_Ustn\Apps\Triforma_XM\structural\macros\


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