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A text file that contains default settings for an office.



When searching for default values CADtools will look in specific files and in the following places:


LOCATION                                FILE

<Project Dwg Settings>                ProjectSettings.txt

<Domain Settings>                DomainSettings.txt

<Application Root>                StandardSettings.txt

See List locations for a description of each location.


The DomainSettings folder is in the same directory as CADtools. This is where any office specific files are stored. It will typically contain sub-folders for "Borders" and "CADplot". e.g. title-blocks that have been customised to include your office's address should be placed in the "borders" sub-folder.

DomainSettings.txt can contain the same types of data as ProjectSettings.txt

A sample DomainSettings.txt is provided in the 'sample' folder for you to copy and edit.


Domain Title Blocks

If you have your own Title blocks whether they are office or project specific, they can be offered for insertion via the Drawing Setup Wizard. You can also have their data automatically extracted for display by Columbus regardless of the attributes used. Both facilities are handled by either ProjectSettings.txt or DomainSettings.txt depending on their usage.

You will need to put your standard office borders in the "Borders" sub-folder of DomainSettings

e.g. P:\Program Files\Oasys\DomainSettings\Borders

and then create a DomainSettings.txt in the DomainSettings folder

e.g. P:\Program Files\Oasys\DomainSettings\DomainSettings.txt

Edit the DomainSettings.txt to include the title block mappings required


See also:                Project pathing

                               Title block mapping

                               Issue directory



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