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All Set

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Sets most object specific properties to that of an object you pick.



AllSet prompts you to pick an object to match and then sets the following properties based on those of the picked object:

Layer, Colour, Linetype, Linetype scale, Lineweight, Elevation, Thickness, Circle radius (if circle), Mline variables (if Mline), Polyline width (if Pline), No. of polygon sides (if polygon), Donut diameters (if donut), Text Style (if text), Dimension Style (if Dim), Hatch variables (if hatch), Tline variables (if Tline).


Note: All Set can be particularly useful when used in conjunction with Clone


Command: AS

Select example object to match: <pick>


ELEVATION set to 3000

THICKNESS set to 1000

PLINEWID set to 0


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