Summary: Changes an entity's linetype to that of another entity or to a typed name.
Description: This command will change the linetype of any entity, or set of entities, by picking another entity of the desired linetype, or by typing the linetype name. The option is given to change to the current linetype. If any blocks are selected, the user can optionally redefine the linetypes of all block members.
Command: CL
Object(s) selected will inherit linetype properties of target
Select objects: Pick objects
Select target entity/Type <.> for current linetype or <RETURN> to enter linetype: Pick object with desired linetype, or enter <.> for current linetype, or <Return>
If <Return> is selected:
Enter linetype <CONTINUOUS>: Type desired linetype name
Enter linetype scale <1.0000>: Type required scale factor
Change all block sub-entities? Yes/<No>: Type ‘Yes’ to change the linetypes of all members of selected blocks
See Also: Linetype Set, Linetype Modify, Linetype Query, Linetype Control
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