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CAD Files

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A recommended CAD file structure and naming convention for use with Bentley Structural is as follows:


The structure should be broken down into areas (usually a single floor plate plus vertical members above), so each area can be worked upon independently. This can also aid in the use of the model for 4D time lining studies.

These areas are in their correct relative locations so they can be referenced into each other to form a complete overall model.

The 3d model and the extracted drawings are kept in separate directories.






The 3d model, broken down into areas of the building, usually by floor

{Project CAD files folder}\triforma_model\


2d drawing extractions generated from the model

{Project CAD files folder}\triforma_sections\


The ‘*’ in the filenames above could be your current file naming scheme if appropriate, or simply a functional name that describes that area of the model, e.g. TM_L1 Slab Layout.dgn


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