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CADtools XM differences to CADtools 2004

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Critical differences


DomainSettings.txt is now unified between CADtools ACAD and CADtools Microstation. The format has been updated to include sheet sizes, and the new example file can be found at:

P:\Program Files\Oasys\CADtools_Ustn\Common\Columbus\DomainSettings_CADtools_Ustn_XM.txt


This should be copied to:


P:\Program Files\Oasys\DomainSettings\DomainSettings.txt


Note: Appropriate consideration needs to be given to the existing entires in the Domainsettings.txt before upgrading the file.



In line with the changes to DomainSettings.txt, the format of ProjectSettings.txt has been updated to include the sheet sizes. An example of the new ProjectSettings.txt format can be found at:

P:\Program Files\Oasys\CADtools_Ustn\Common\Columbus\ProjectSettings_XM.txt

Any projects using CADtools for Microstation XM, must use the latest version of the files to get the sheet borders.


Drawing Borders

In line with CADtools for AutoCAD, these new PS.txt and DS.txt files refer to drawing border files with names in the format Arup_<sheetsize><sheetorientation>_<borderfile>.dwg e.g. Arup_A1v_Mock.dwg Arup_A1v_Text.dwg Arup_A1v_Frame.dwg


Project Configuration Files

The Example_PCF.txt file has been updated to allow dual working with MicroStation v8 2004 Edition and MicroStation v8 XM Edition. The relevant sections within the specific .pcf need to be completed as appropriate.



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