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CADtools for Microstation aims to provide a consistent, efficient environment for Microstation users across Arup.


It provides standard workflows such as:

Creating and Managing drawings

Controlling CAD standards applied to a project

Locating and using standard CAD content

Seeking support for CAD related issues



The current release is version 2.5


Whats new in version 2.5




Purpose and aims
To deliver to the businesses and users, appropriate and relevant CAD (Computer Aided Design) software solutions, content management and support services that:

Provides standard business solutions and processes across the firm.

Embodies best practice.

Maximise efficiency through tools that automate repetitive tasks.

Adheres to standards which aid output quality and compliance.

Provide content management that is easily found, used and conforms to appropriate standards.

Provide a support structure that can quickly and efficiently turn around problems experienced by users.

Link to relevant Skills Networks to actively promote skill and knowledge exchange.



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