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CADtools Ustn 2.5 release notes

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Release date: Dec 2011


CADtools Microstation 2.5 is a major update which is focussed on migrating some core components to a more modern development environment.


This provides the following advantages:


- Shared components between CADtools products.

i.e. AutoCAD, Microstation, Revit and the CADtools ProjectWizard all share the same component for reading ProjectSettings.txt.  More components will be shared in future.


- Replacement of the yearly April timebomb with components that log detailed usage figures via the intranet.  This change is required by Design & Technical Exec as it also gives us better data on which CADtools features are used in which Arup regions.


- A platform for building better user interfaces for future tools.


- Fewer mystic "compile error in hidden module" or "type mismatch" errors.


- Faster CADtools startup


New features:

- Configuration of the Bentley Standards Checker to check drawings against the CadSN standard

- Improved integration with ProjectWise (refer to below for further details)

- Migration of the documentation form the wiki across to the new CADtools intranet site (

- Wildcards can now be used in the Ref-Remap tool

- The drawing setup routines will now always read Project Number, Project Title, Client Title and Office Address (if defined) from ProjectSettings.txt, even if those values are defined in the Integrated Excel file.  This reduces the amount of repetitive data required in the Excel file, and means ProjectSettings.txt remains a single source of data for CADtools AutoCAD, Microstation and Revit.

- Re-introduced support for Bentley View


ProjectWise Integration:

Additional variables have been added to allow various levels of integration within ProjectWise; from full ProjectWise Managed Workspace to first level ProjectWise storage solution. This allows the storage of border files both in and outside of the ProjectWise environment, as well as controlling the drawing creation and maintenance through either the ProjectWise properties or the standard CADtools interface within MicroStation. An additional ProjectSetting_ProjectWise.txt has also been supplied to enable these features through the LOCATIONPATH value as follows:


OPTION 1 - Definition on network drive, i.e. J:\123000\123456-00\Settings\CADtools_Ustn\Borders\ [DEFAULT]

OPTION 2 - ProjectWise: Borders stored outside of ProjectWise, CADtools forms are presented [PW_WORKSPACE_ACTIVE=0]. Definition continues as per Option 1, i.e. J:\123000\123456-00\Settings\CADtools_Ustn\Borders\

OPTION 3 - ProjectWise: Borders stored within ProjectWise, CADtools forms are presented [PW_WORKSPACE_ACTIVE=0]. Definition is stored via ProjectWise Managed Workspace | Project [_PROJECT_SET_USTN_BORDER]. Definition = PW (This is trigger to force alternative definition)

OPTION 4 - ProjectWise: Borders stored within PW, Document Properties/Attributes are presented.[PW_WORKSPACE_ACTIVE=1]. Definition is by ProjectWise Managed Workspace | Project. LOCATIONPATH is ignored.


Please speak to one of the ProjectWise Administrator's to enable these additional features.


Minor fixes:

- Reinsert drawing text cell now correctly copies across all drawing text (previously some attributes such as Discipline was lost)

- The Dimension style tools in the 'Text & Dimensions' toolbox now work in V8i


Changes to the CAD standard

- Added Architectural and Landscape levels, as per: CADtools for Autocad 2.5




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