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Co-ordinate Grid

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It will bring up the Place Grid Dialog box as shown below.


Place Grid Dialog


Scale of drg

Defaults to the model scale of the drawing, can be changed by selecting a scale from the preset drop down list of scales, the grid spacing will be scaled by the selected scale.


Grid Spacing

Sets the Grid Spacing for both the X & Y directions measured in master units of the file.


Horizontal Co-ord Prefix

Sets the Horizontal Prefix that will appear before the co-ordinates on each grid line.


Vertical Co-ord Prefix

Sets the Vertical Prefix.



Sets the textstyle to be used for the grid spacings from a predefined pull down list.


Method to Define area


Two Ponts: places the grid inside a area defined by two points.


Element Range: places the grid inside predefined rectangular shape by selecting the shape.


Text Placement


Every cross hair: text is placed at every cross hair identifying its co-ordinate.


Every second cross hair: text is placed at every second cross hair identifying its co-ordinate.


At perimeter of area: text is only placed on the perimeter cross hairs identifying there co-ordinates.


Joined grid lines rather than cross hairs

Grid will have full lines in both directions to the perimiter of the grid, rather than just cross hairs at each grid co-ordinate.

This option only allows text to be placed on the co-ordinatyes around the perimiter or the grid.


Place Grid as graphic group

Grid is placed as a graphic group so that it can be moved or deleted as though it were a single element.


Indicative Preview

Shows a preview of what your grid will look like with the options that you have selected.


Keyin: vba run [CADtools_Civil_Tools]Tools.Grid


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