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Detail Mark

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Selecting this tool brings up the Detail Mark Dialog box as shown below.



Detail Mark Dialog




CADSN Standard Symbol




Aus CADSN Standard Symbol




What ever is typed in the Mark section of the Detail Mark Dialog gets placed in the Mark section of the Detail Mark Symbol


Drg No

What ever is typed in the Drg No section of the Detail Mark Dialog gets placed in the Drg No section of the Detail Mark Symbol


Scale Cell for 1 to

The scale can be selected from the drop down list of available scales.


Place at this Scale

If selected places the cells & text that make up the “Detail Mark” at the scale selected from the drop down list above, if not selected places the “Detail Mark” at 1:1 and the scale dropdown list is disabled.


Place as Graphic Group

If selected places the cells as a group of elements that can be moved/deleted together.


Keyin: vba run [CADtools_Drawing_Tools]Tools.DetailMark


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