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Extraction Templates.

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CADtools Structural is delivered with a number of sample extraction templates.  This are provided as a starting point, to help stream line the process of setting up an extraction.

These templates and their intended usages are listed below:

Extraction template name


All Templates

Output to single model

Transpose to XY plane

Output to a separate file

1:100 scale for annotation

Process master file only

Resymb rules using annotation are set to the ‘section name’ version, rather than the ‘mark’ version (Section name always exists, mark might not)

Seed file defined by Arup CAD standard, or project PCF file

Steel Templates


A typical single line diagram of structural steel.

Processes the cut-plane and forward view,

No hidden line detail in the forward view,

Resymb rules appropriate for single line presentation with some annotation


As per the SS_TYP_PLAN_SINGLE extraction template, but the resymbolisation rules produce a double line diagram.


As per the SS_TYP_PLAN_SINGLE extraction template, but columns are resymbolised to single line as well.  Beams cut in section are NOT annotated.


As per the SS_TYP_ELEV_SINGLE template, but the resymbolisation rules produce a double line diagram.


An extraction template useful for generating a cutplane showing all the penetrations through steel beams.  Combined with a SS_TYP_PLAN_DOUBLE to produce a plan useful for services co-ordination

Processes cut plane only

Output resymbolised to dotted

Cut plane must be positioned at mid-depth of beam (or through penetrations).

Concrete Templates


A typical view of a concrete model, useful for slab layout drawings

Processes cut plane and forward view

Hidden lines calculated and shown dotted.

Performs unification, and cut patterns/shading,

Column annotation rule only


A typical view of a concrete model,

process cut plane and forward view,

No hidden line detail in forward view.

Performs unification, and cut patterns/shading,

Column annotation rule only


A ‘reflected’ view, where the cutplane is below the lowest soffit level.

Processes the cut plane,

Does not process the forward view,

Processes the reflected view, and resymbolises the output to dotted.

Performs unification, but not cut patterns/shading.

No Structural rules


A typical pile layout extraction setup

Processes cut plane

No forward view

Performs unification and cut patterns

Structural rules to provide Pile annotation


A typical plan on foundations, or slab on ground, with piles beneath.

Processes cut plane and forward view

Hidden lines in forward view calculated and shown dotted

Performs unification and cut patterns

No Structural rules



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