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Integrated Analysis model

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Bentley Structural includes the ability to generate an ‘analysis model’ as you create the physical model, by placing analytical members on the fly.  This analytical model can then be exported to various analysis packages, Ram and Staad are the two packages with the most complete links to Bentley Structural.  A translator between GSA and Bentley Structural is currently being developed for Arup.  Translators to/from other analysis packages can be developed as required.

CADtools Structural includes simple importers for GSA and Strand7 (CADtools > Structural Tools ).  These importers are a one-way import from an analysis file into Bentley Structural, they do not support any roundtripping, or export back to the analysis program.

When using these importers or bi-directional links, CAD modellers and Engineers will need to understand that changes in their model may eventually cause changes in the other model.  As such, guidelines such as naming conventions for section properties, types of analysis elements used, etc.

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