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Batch Issue Insert

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The Batch Issue Insert tool can be selected from the Batch Processes task menu as shown below


Batch insert issue task


A dialog box will display that will allow you to fill in information that will be used when placing the Issue/Revision


Batch insert issue Dialog



hmtoggle_plus1        Insert new issue as:


Increment Current issue/revision:

selecting this option will not allow anything to be typed in the Issue field.

used If an existing issue revision has already been placed, the tool will find that and increment the new issue/revision by one.


Set specific issue/revision:

Selecting this option will allow information to be typed in the Issue field.


hmtoggle_plus1        Issue:


Text, a numeric value or a combination of both can be typed into this field and will be used to place new issue/revision.


hmtoggle_plus1        DD:


This field will auto fill with the Day portion of todays Date,  But can be changed if required.


hmtoggle_plus1        MM:


This field will auto fill with the Month portion of todays Date,  But can be changed if required.


hmtoggle_plus1        YY:


This field will auto fill with the Year portion of todays Date,  But can be changed if required.


hmtoggle_plus1        By:


This Field will auto fill with the first initial of the Logged on users first name and the first initial of the logged on users last name. unless the user has set a specific user Initials to be used for this.


hmtoggle_plus1        Chkd:


This field is for the Initials of the person that has checked the drawing.


hmtoggle_plus1        Appd:


This field is for the Initials of the person that has Aproved the drawing.


hmtoggle_plus1        Description:


A Description for this Drawing Issue/Revision should be typed in here.



Once you have filled in the required information and select OK the Select files to process Dialog box will open.


select files to process Dialog


hmtoggle_plus1Select Files:


Will bring up a browse window where you can browse to and select the files that you wish to include in the batch as shown below


select files browse


Open will add the selected files to the Select Files to process Dialog box as shown below.


select files to process Dialog2


hmtoggle_plus1Process all files:


Will start the Batch process and will display the Proccesing Drawings Dialog


proccessing Drawings


If there is no existing issues in a file that is being processed the following dialog will be displayed


batch insert issue not found dialog


If yes is selected the user will need to provide a data point for the location that the issue will be inserted this data point will be used for any folowing drawings in the batch process that do not have existing issues.


place issue


No will skip the file an continue to the next file without processing an issue for that file.


Once the Batch is complete a Results Dialog box will show where all of the Issues were placed as shown below, you can scroll down to check all of the files and make note of any that haven't been placed in the correct position.



batch insert issue results Dialog



Keyin: vba run [CADtools_Drg_Setup]Issue.BatchInsert




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