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Level Mark Plan

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Level_Mark_Plan_Dialog                Level_Mark_Plan_Symbol

Level Mark Plan Dialog                                                                      Level Mark Plan Symbol



A Prefix can be selected from a list of available prefixes or select None for no prefix

the prefix is placed in front of the Mark section of the Level Mark Symbol





If L, LVL or LEVEL is selected in the Prefix dropdown What ever is typed in the Mark section of the Level Mark Dialog gets placed in the Mark section of the Level Mark Symbol


Scale 1 to

The scale can be selected from the drop down list of available scales.


Read value from data point

If RL, FFL, FSL or SL is selected in the Prefix Dropdown then the Read value from data point will be activated


Use value from above

Uses what ever is typed in the Mark Section


Use Y value for level

uses the Y coordinate of the point where the level Mark is placed as the Mark Value


Use X value for level

uses the X coordinate of the point where the level Mark is placed as the Mark Value


Use Z value for level

uses the Z coordinate of the point where the level Mark is placed as the Mark Value


Include + with positive values?

Tick if it is required  to prepend a + sign to the front of positive values, the default is not to prepend a + to the front of positive values but for negative values the default is to prepend a - sign to the front.


Include Leader

If ticked then a Dot and a Leader will be included.


Keyin: vba run [CADtools_Drawing_Tools]Tools.levelMarkPlan


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