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Model Annotation

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Bentley Structural allows the 3D modeller to automatically annotate model using ‘Model Annotation’ styles.  This annotation is NOT output as part of a drawing extraction, and is only useful when viewing the model in 3D.  Model Annotation styles can be found under the Structural > Model Annotation menu.  Model annotation also includes the annotation styles for analytical elements in the model.

To ensure the modeller can tell what is model annotation, and what is real drawing annotation, the model annotation settings in CADtools use the ‘ISOREC’ font style, instead of Arial, and will usually display on the ‘Default’ level.  Some of the annotation styles available for analytical elements will display on the SS_ELMT_DSGN_T_###_00000X layer





Typical display of an element in Bentley Structural.  (NOTE:  The dotted centreline is produced by the ‘Default member line’ style )


By using model annotation, it is possible to have the model displayed as below.  The model annotation style show here is the ‘Mark + Section’ annotation style, available from the ‘Labels’ style tab.





Mark + Section style




The ‘Labels’ tab of the ‘Model annotation’ dialog box, showing the ‘Mark + Section’ annotation style as the active Label style.


To activate a label style, select the ‘Style to assign’ at the bottom of the dialog.  Click ‘Append’ so the desired style appears in the top list.  You can then move the style up and down the list (or remove others from the list), then click ‘Apply’ to make it active.


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