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Extended or ‘BIM” data

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Bentley Structural allows you to populate 3d elements with extended data which is then available for quantity reporting, member schedule automation and other data rich applications.

A typical ‘Triforma’ element will automatically contain quantity information such as lengths, areas and volumes.

A ‘Structural’ element also holds data such as Section name, Mark, Material and a number of user defined types.




Element information for a typical ‘Triforma’ element





Element information for a typical ‘Structural’ element, showing the available extended data


This extended ‘Structural’ data is used in a number of places such as quantity reporting and resymbolisation rules.

CADtools Structural includes 2 routines to help add data to the ‘Mark’ field, see the section  CADtools Addons.

Bentley Structural is transitioning to an extended data scheme called ‘DataGroups’.  This scheme allows for richer information sharing between the Triforma family of applications, and extended capabilities (user definable attributes, integration with cells for ‘smart annotation’).  Investigation into the use of DataGroups within CADtools Structural has begun, but is not included at this stage.  Please email [email protected] for more details.


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