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Notes and limitations of ‘GEO’ members

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Placement and modifications of the ‘GEO’ members uses some tricks behind the scenes to get Bentley Structural to recognise them for the purposes of resymbolisation, quantity reporting, etc.  As such they will have some limitations on their use, functionality and editing, most of these limitations are also permanent, i.e the only way they will be solved is once Bentley release their own solution to user defined sections.


Note: It is expected that ‘GEO members’ will only be used where absolutely necessary, as their use has not yet been extensively tested on projects, and as such limitations others than those noted here may arise.

These members can only be placed with, or have their geometry edited by the special CADtools commands provided for that purpose.  Some built-in Bentley commands such as ‘Modify Structural Attributes’ may allow you to edit non-graphical information such as ‘Mark’, ‘Family’, ‘Part’ etc.  Most of the Bentley geometry modify tools (modify end, fence stretch, join etc) will not work on these members.

The ‘User3’ and ‘User4’ fields are used to store the name of the section profile and the rotation of that profile.  These should not be overwritten by other data.

The ‘Section Name’ and ‘Rotation’ fields may be either blank or show erroneous information.

These members will work with the following Structural rule types:

Top/Side annotation

Footprint annotation

Top/Side resymbolisation (single line)

They will not work with the following rule types, as these rules rely on Bentley Structural natively understanding the section shape.

Footprint resymbolisation

Top/Side resymbolisation (double line)

The cross section must be derived from a planar shape made up of only lines and arcs.  No B-Splines or ellipses in the shape.

Sections with internal holes are not supported at this stage.

The ‘Manipulate Structural Graphics’ tool used to modify the extracted location of annotation will not work 100%.  Each time a ‘GEO’ member is edited by the ‘Modify Geo member end’ tool, it will get a new element ID, which is what the ‘Manipulate Structural Graphics’ tool uses to identify text that has been moved.  Subsequently the extracted annotation will revert to it’s default location.

‘Local Y/Z offsets’ and ‘Placement Points’ are not supported.  The cross section should be drawn with the appropriate origin.

Placement by path is limited to straight paths, curved paths are not supported.



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