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Referencing Architects 2d drawings.

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Commonly architects will work in a design plane where the origin bears no resemblance to real world co-ordinate systems.  When referencing an architects 2d drawing, modellers are advised to rotate and/or move the reference attachment point so that the 2d attachment appears in a real world location.  This is also important for multi-building projects where the architect may have different design planes with different origins for each building.


When placing your Triforma model in the CAD file, care should be taken that the elements that are modelled are within MicroStation’s ‘Solid Modelling cube’ (This is analogous to the Version 7 ‘design plane’).  If your 3d model lies outside the modelling cube then you may experience problems with drawing extractions.


Good practice assumes that an experience CAD leader will investigate these issues at the start of the project.


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