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Editing the model from a 2D extraction (with ‘Preserve 3D data’)

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If an element is annotated using resymbolisation rules, and the location of that text output is later moved using the ‘Manipulate Structural Graphics’ tool, then problems will arise if that elements is modified in the 2d extraction file.  Structural allows drafters to manipulate the 2d extract files and have that change flow back to the model.  (The manipulated element looses it link to the manipulated text, and the text ends up back in its default positions again..)


It has also been noted that when using the Preserve 3D data  option can cause problems when converting an extraction file to DWG.  Solutions to this may be unticking any options for translating Triforma data in the ‘DWG Save As’ options, or using the ‘tfremove’ keyin on a copy of your files, to explode the elements back to simple lines, arcs, etc, before translating to DWG.


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