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Seed files and problems with smaller CHS / tube sizes

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All V8 2004 editions of Bentley Structural, (up to and including exhibit a bug in relation to placing tube sizes less than around 140 diameter.  When placing tubes of this size the command silently crashes as you enter the second end point, and the member is never added to the model (i.e it simply disappears after the second data point).

This bug is apparent in all design files where the accuracy is set to 10 UORs per mm (or less), and unfortunately this includes all design files descended from the CADtools standard ‘mm’ seed files.

CADtools Structural includes special ‘high-accuracy’ seed files to avoid this problem.  C:\Program Files\Oasys\CADtools_Ustn\Common\Seed\ArupLib_3D_mm_HighAccuracy.dgn

Note: This bug has been fixed in subsequent Bentley Structural versions, and the _high_accuracy seed file should only be used on existing projects, where it was being used in the first place.  New projects should use the standard ‘ArupLib_3D_mm.dgn’ seed file.


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