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Piles and Caps tool

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This tool enables the user to quickly place a pile and its associated pile cap.  This tool uses SolidRound sections from the Structural Shapes file to model the piles, and a number of other shapes, such as RectangularShapes or TaperedWebRectangles, to model the pile caps, depending on the number of piles selected.  The names of the section sizes that the tool will look for are shown in the dialog box, and are worked out by the dimensions provided.  (Note the name of the section size required for the pile currently always must end in ‘Dia BP’.  This requirement may change in future)

Many thanks to Chris Pynn for the initial development of this tool.


Also note, when using this tool with the ‘FloorMaster’ system, you must select an active floorplane which matches the top level of the caps, or set your active floor plane to ‘none’.

It is worth noting also that the pile penetration in to the pile cap is hard coded in at 75mm





The ‘Piles and Caps’ tool







The output of the Piles and Caps tool, with model annotation turned on to show the section name.


‘Mark’ attributes can then quickly be added to these piles in one of 2 ways:

The CADtools ‘Add mark sequentially’ tool

Running a Quantity report, using Excel to sort the data by X then Y co-ordinates, entering values in the ‘Mark’ column on the spreadsheet and then updating the model from the spreadsheet.  Refer to the ‘Quantity Reporting’ section for more details.



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