The Piling Report is used to create Pile Schedules based on piles modelled in Bentley Structural. By getting (or generating) a 3d model of the geotechnical data, it is possible to model each pile accurately to produce accurate piling tables. The CADtools ‘Piles and Caps’ tool helps speed up the modelling process (refer to the CADtools Add-ons section).
Similar to the ‘Individual’ style report, each element in the model gets it’s own row in the final report.
This report can also re-number the piles based on sorting them by the XY co-ordinates. When using these sort and renumber functionality, it is assumed that all the elements shown on the ‘Report’ tab are Pile elements to be sorted and renumbered.
Using the ‘Pile Report’ style to generate a Pile Schedule.
Note the options for checking Toe/Top levels, converting co-ordinates to meters, and sorting data by the first column (usually the ‘Mark’ attribute) |
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