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Bentley Structural extends the rendering capabilities by allowing material definitions to be applied to ‘Families and Parts’, and the SI dataset delivered with CADtools Structural have been configured with appropriate rendering attributes.  The rendering attributes have been applied from the ‘CADtools_Basic’ rendering palette, which can be used as a basis for any project specific rendering palettes.


If a project requires changes to any of the material definitions in a palette it is recommended that the ‘CADtools_Basic’ palette is copied to a project specific palette, and any required changes are made there.  The CADtools_Basic palette can be found in the P:\Program Files\Oasys\CADtools_Ustn\Common\Materials directory.


It has been found that occasionally a material palette becomes corrupted without warning, in which case having backup copies of the palette file (*.pal) is useful.


Material assignments for elements that are populated through the Bentley Structural dataset will not be enforced when base Microstation is being used.  This means that for any rendering, where you are relying on the dataset to assign materials, must be processed using Bentley Structural, which may have ramifications for any ‘network rendering’.




Due to unresolved rendering issues, causing very long render times, the material assignments have been removed from the ‘Steel’ family in the CADtools Structural SI dataset.  It is hoped this is a temporary measure and the material assignments can be re-instated in future.  As an intermediate work around, material assignments for Steelwork can still be added by hand to the individual elements (rather than relying on their Family/Part definition).

These rendering assignments for the ‘Steel’ family can be re-activated by simply checking the ‘Render Toggle’ column in the dataset.  Go to ‘Triforma > Dataset > Parts’.  Navigate to the ‘Steel’ family, then change the ‘Parts View’ drop down to ‘Rendering Properties’.  You can then simply check the ‘Render Toggle’ column.






The Dataset Explorer showing the ‘Render Toggle’ column is unticked for Parts in the ‘Steel’ family.


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