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Rules as they apply to elements in the model.

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A rule is applied to a Family and Part.  When you want a particular rule to apply to multiple families or parts (i.e you want the ‘Foundation Annotation’ rule to apply to both the ‘ConFound/Footing’ and ‘ConFound/Foundation’ elements), then you must ensure that the rule is listed twice in the rules manager and applying to both Family/Part combinations.


Rules will only work when applied to ‘Structural’ or ‘Linear’ members, e.g. a member placed by two points and a given section size.  A rule will NOT work when applied to ‘Slab forms’, ‘Linear forms’ (aka walls) or other types of elements. You must also ensure that the elements have an assigned Family and Part, otherwise the rule will not apply to those elements.  The ‘Triforma > Verify parts’ tool (from the window menu) will allow you to check that all your elements have an assigned part (a useful pre-extraction check)


Note:- There is a hierarchy in the way structural rules are processed. This follows the order of the rules in the list, where the rule t the top of the list is processed last. Be careful as this can catch people out. i.e. you have a rule 4th in the list which changes an element but a rule above it which also affects that element and therefore overrides the previous rule.


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