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Types of rules.

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Bentley Structural has 4 different types of Resymbolisation rule.  These types are:


Top/Side annotation

Footprint annotation

Top/Side resymbolisation

Footprint resymbolisation


An ‘annotation’ rule will take the output of the drawing extraction and add some optional annotation like member name, and can also add a centreline to the member.

A ‘resymbolisation’ rule will replace a members output in the drawing extraction, with something that symbolises that member.  That may be a ‘single line diagram’ style element, or a more complex resymbolisation using cells.  These rules can also apply annotation.

A ‘footprint’ rule is useful when the element is being cut by the extraction plane (i.e. in section).

A ‘top/side’ rule is useful when the element is parallel to the extraction plane (i.e plan or elevation views)


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