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Adding a new custom section definition to the project.

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In addition to the common steelwork section sizes, the Structural_shapes.xml file can contain a number of structural sections, including solid rectangular and circular sections appropriate for Reinforced Concrete.  Rather than include all the possible RC sections on every project (making a very long list), a 3d modeller should add a new section size to the project as it is required.




The steps to insert a new section size on a project are:


1.Open the ‘XML Explorer’ add-in from ‘CADtools > Tools – Triforma > Structural Shapes Explorer’

2.Click ‘Insert new section size’

3.Select the desired section type from the ‘Section type’ dropdown box.

4.Fill in the required details in the fields below that.  You must fill in all boxes that are active.

5.If known, fill in the optional ‘Unit Weight’ and ‘Cross Sectional Area’ fields, this extra data will be used on the Reporting spreadsheets.

6.Click ‘Save Section’ and the section will be added to the project Structural_Shapes.xml file.

7.Click ‘Save changes’ to save the changes to that file.



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