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Copying a section definition from the base dataset.

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The base dataset on P: drive contains XML files which define the most common steelwork sections available throughout the world.  These are broken into separate XML files for each region/manufacturer (i.e uk.xml for UK steel sections, aisc.xml and maisc.xml for US sections, pacific.xml or OneSteel.xml for Australian/BHP/OneSteel steelwork sections).


To copy a section file from one of these XML definition files into your project specific Shapes.xml file, follow these steps.


1.Select the appropriate XML file from the base dataset which contains the section you would like to copy.

2.Select the section type (e.g I-Shapes, Circular Hollow sections)

3.In the left hand column select the section size you wish to make available on this project, and click the ‘Copy’ button.

4.The section definition will be copied into the project specific Structural_shapes.xml.

5.When you are finished, click ‘Save Changes’ and then ‘Close’.


The ‘XML Explorer’ also allows you to insert ‘dummy’ headers.  When selecting a structural shape to place, this allows you to ‘jump’ to certain spots in the list by simply keying the first letter of the ‘header’.  These dummy headers do not define any of the attributes required as a structural section.

When a section is copied into the project specific XML file, the ‘XML Explorer’ will attempt to place that section in an appropriate place in order of depth.  Users can then easily move it up or down in the list by highlighted the desired section and clicking the ‘Move Up’ or ‘Move Down’ buttons.


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