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Annotation produced by rules

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Many of the rules produce annotation on the extracted drawing.  This annotation has been configured to avoid overlapping other elements where possible, but it cannot be guaranteed.  The annotation rules produce text based on the ‘Label (3.5mm)’ Text Style at 1:1, the ‘Annotation Scale’ setting of the Drawing Extraction setup should be used to produce appropriate sized annotation.

Where annotation is required to be produced at a different text size, e.g. General (2.5mm), the rule is to be copied and renamed to include an optional field at the end indicating the text size, e.g. SS_COLS_SECT_A_NAME_25.  CADtools Structural XM includes 2.5mm and 3.5mm text rules as appropriate.

Where annotation is not in the correct location, use the Bentley Structural ‘Manipulate Structural Graphics’ tool, from the ‘Drawing and Reports’ toolbox, to move the annotation to an appropriate place.  Annotation moved using this method will retain its relative amended location when a new drawing extraction is produced from an updated model.  Refer also to Watchits! – Sections 10




The ‘Manipulate Structural Graphics’ tool in the ‘STR Annotation’ toolbox.


Note also the following about text moved using the ‘Manipulate Structural Graphics’ tool.

If you redefine the cutting plane the text is repositioned to the Structural rules default.

If you reposition a member and the text has already been relocated the text will not move.



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