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Using a Reference Group model (aka Participants/Group model)

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When modelling your structure on a per floor basis, i.e one floor or storey per model file. You will be required to set up a “Participants/Group Model” in order to link your files together for extraction (i.e so the columns under are included in the drawing extraction for the slab over them)

It is best to attach at least two of the reference files you will require to your default model before setting up a group model as this will help to explain the process.

The ‘Group model’ is simply a ‘model’ within the current DGN file, with some extra information attached to it.  It is visible in the ‘Models’ dialog box, similar to the ‘Default’ model, it is advisable to work with the Group Model only through the ‘Participants’ tab on the Drawing Definition.





Triforma models of the stories below referenced into the ‘default’ model of the current Triforma model.


The next step in the process is to create and extraction or use and existing one and proceed to the Participants tab




The ‘Participants’ tab in the Drawing Definition.


Select the “Process a Reference Group Model” option and the ‘Select’, ‘New..’ and ‘Open’ buttons to the right will become active.

If this is the first Group Model in the file select “New”. You can check if a group model has already been created by choosing “Select”




Details to be filled in for a new ‘Group Model’


 Fill out the appropriate portions. It is useful to use a prefix such as “GP” at the start of a name, as this helps to recognise this is a group model when viewed in the References or Models dialog boxes.




Typical details for a group model filled in.


After clicking OK in the Group Model details dialog box, all the reference files currently attached to the default model will be attached to the Group Model, as well as a copy of the default model of the file you have open.




The ‘Participants’ tab showing that a ‘Group Model’ is now in use.


To see the Group Model – click ‘Open’ on the Participants tab.




When a group model is opened, Bentley Structural displays a red ‘Attention’ box to highlight the fact.  The ‘Participants’ tab also shows a ‘Return to Master’ button.

You can also see the model ‘GP_B1_and_B2’ in the models dialog box.


Note that a new model has been created and added to the Models dialog box. There is also a warning shown in red which highlights that you have a group model open.   This is the recommended approach for accessing Group Models.




The References dialog of a group model


You will note that there are 3 references, comprising the 2 external references and a copy of the default model.

Note that it is paramount for “Locate” to be turned on for each reference that is required as part of the extraction.

To return to your default model simply click on “Return to Master” on the ‘Participants’ tab.


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