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Solving problematic drawing extractions

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If a drawing extraction is not giving the desired results, check the ‘drawings.log’ file in the same directory as the Triforma model.  It may include some helpful error messages produced by the extraction engine.

You can control the logging options for the extraction engine using the ‘Logging’ button in the Drawing Extraction manager.  This also allows you to log information to the screen or enable more verbose error logging.



The icon for the ‘Logging’ button in the DEM.

One common error with drawing extractions is that resymbolisation rules sometimes apparently fail to work properly.  When inspecting the logs a common symptom of this is a message like ‘Cannot find section 310UB40.4 in the attached section file’.  This indicates that a structural section has been used in the model, but that section size is not available in the projects ‘Structural Shapes’ XML file.  There are a number of types of resymbolisation rules, and a number of these will fail to run if a required section size is not available.

A common source of extraction errors is models which are outside the Solids Working Area, refer to section  4.3.3 (Co-ordinates and the SWA) for more information.


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