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Batch Renaming of Files

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1.List existing file paths

Open ‘command’ window (Start | Run | ‘cmd’ <enter>)


Change to root of folders / files to be recorded, i.e. J:\12300\123456-00


Enter command ‘dir /s /b *.dgn > c:\tmp\list.txt’ <enter>.  This will create a TXT file listing the full path for all DGN files found beneath this location.


Enter ‘Exit’ <enter> to close command window.


2.Manipulate data in excel

Start Excel


Open file c:\tmp\list.txt.


Text import wizard will appear;

oStep 1: leave as ‘delaminated’

oStep 2; Leave delimiters as ‘tab’

oStep 3, Change column data format to ‘text’


Remove any erroneous/unwanted rows of data that is not needed (i.e. *.dgnlib, etc).


Copy Column A to Column B.


Insert column in front of Column A


Enter row syntax to perform appropriate task, i.e.

oMOVE ( ‘move /ypath|filename1path)

oRENAME( ‘renamepath|filename1filename2’)

oCOPY( ‘copypath|filename1path|filename2’)


Edit column C to suit syntax of command detailed above


Save to XLS file for future reference


Save ‘As | Tab Delimited’ TXT file



RENAME                C:\TMP\FILE1.DGN                C:\TMP\FILE2.DGN


3.Run BAT file

Rename file extension of  TXT file to ‘BAT’


Double click BAT file to perform operation


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