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CADtools Ustn problem solutions

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CADtools expired?


Check the user hasn't set their date to mm/dd/yyyy format, this seems to put off the code that determines expiry.

or... Occasionally the install has been done manually, and the CADtools_PC.cfg hasn't been updated.


Render palettes seemingly half empty


Sometimes a palette may show all materials for one user, and a partial list for another user.

May be a corrupt user-profile. If the user is using Structural or Microstation, check if all materials in the palette are visible in one or the other. That may indicate which upf is corrupt (CADtools Microstation and CADtools Structural use different UPF files).


PCF file doesn't jump to the right directory, or seem to read correctly


It appears that PCF files need to have a blank line at the end, otherwise they don't behave correctly.


PCF file doesn't get read until you manually re-select it


When launching Microstation, if you need to manually reselect the PCF file to ensure it's settings get read, the problem is that the config variable pointing to the 'Projects' directory is missing the trailing slash. i.e the variable _USTN_PROJECTS must end with a /


Domainsettings.txt cause MS open problems


The address tags within the DomainSettings.txt file must not end with a , (comma) even if this is enclosed within the "". Note: I haven't checked if this is the same problem for ProjectSettings.txt?


CADtools Structural


Reporting spreadsheet fails to work


There are many reasons this might happen or appear to happen.

A first clue to look for is if the progress bar appears as the report is being produced. The progress bar should display if the report is processing more than 75 elements. If it doesn't appear, then the report is almost totally failing to run. (In more recent spreadsheets provided with CADtools 2.1 or later, the progress bar always runs)

One cause of this (as of Dec 2006) might be a subsequent install on Microstation XM having stuffed with the registry pointers to the appropriate DLL's for TFCOM and STFCOM.

If the progress bar appears, but no elements appear, then check that the appropriate Structural Shapes (XML) file is attached, as the reporting mechanism calls upon it. Other problems with the Dataset may also cause elements to be skipped.

"Shared Cell" elements will also fail to appear in the report, as will Structural elements which are marked as 'mirrored' apparently. ( A tool for finding mirrored elements will be added to CADtools)


Extra references that don't appear in the ref file dialog


A problem has cropped up a couple of times, when using 'Extract to master' from a model, which is made up of a number of other models also in the same DGN file (i.e most of the job in one DGN). The problem is a phantom reference that appears int e model, but is not visible in the references dialog (it is visible in the update sequence though). Using the element information you can work out what the file name, slot number and Logical name of the attachement is. Then use the keyin 'reference detach [filename] [logicalname]' to detach the phantom. The .dgn extension should be left off the filename, and int eh cases so far, the logical name is Window8


Snapping to slabs causes program to crash


It has been noted that with Microstation, Triforma (up to at least) and Bentley Struictural (up to at least) the program may crash when using Accusnap to snap to slabs. The cause appears to be the 'Keypoints for associative dimensioing' user preference.

To resolve this problem, change the following setting:

Workspace > Preferences > Select 'Triforma' from the left hand menu Untick 'Turn on Dimensioning keypoints' in the 'Keypoints for associative dimensioning' section.


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