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CADtools Ustn 2.1 release notes

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Whats New

Version numbering system for CADtools Microstation now matches CADtools AutoCAD versions. This release will be CADtools 2.1 for Microstation. (Note This doesn't mean that all future versions will be released simultaneously)

All updates as per CADtools XM release

Support for Microstation XM (version

Support for Bentley Building products:

Bentley Structural (version

Bentley Architecture (version

Bentley Mechanical (version

Bentley Electrical (version

Preliminary support for Bentley Navigator



Replaced Cloud tool with the new Bentley cloud tool (which acts similar to SSCloud.) Since the SSCcloud MDL has been known to be troublesome under V8.5, it's use will not be supported under XM.

Resynchronised CSN Layer standards with CADtools for AutoCAD

Drawing Setup tool now creates a 'ViewGroup' which correctly references the Sheet model, rather than just using 'Sheet1 Temp views'. Tool also invokes a 'Save Settings' at the end.

Local office additions to the Local plotter menu.

Updated PDF drivers to allow for longer than 5080mm plotting.


Bentley Structural

Bentley Structural XM support

Updated 'Shapes Explorer' now include extended properties of sections (i.e unit weight 'W', area 'A'), plus other minor bug fixes

Updated 'Add Marks by Section Size' tool now includes 'All Families' or 'All Parts' which allows user to change more elements at the same time. Added error checking so that curved members are skipped (At this time, the tool cannot work on Structural members along a curved path)

Added Floormanager to standard Structural project setup

First release of 'Piles and Caps' tool (Thanks Chris Pynn)

First release of 'Report Wizard' style Excel reporting template, which gives users flexibility to create custom reports. This spreadsheet also includes a number of 'sanity' checks to ensure the report from the model has not skipped elements.

TF_DRAWINGS variable fixed (now points to $(DGNDIR)../triforma_sections) NOTE: This is a change from the previous CADtools Structural which inconsistently referred to either the "triforma-sections" or "triforma_sections" folder. All references (and your project folder structure) should now use the 'triforma_sections' and 'triforma_model' format.

Added datagroup files to support IFC 2x3 import/export

Triforma and Structural Import/Export menu items no longer 'obscured' by CADtools menu items.

Added 'Create Wireframe from Structural Elements' tool, which extracts a centreline wireframe from the structural elements in the file.

Added 'Project/Model Checker' tool which run rudimentary checks against the model, and the Structural/Triforma configuration variables.

Added menu items for 'Import GSA File' and 'Import Strand7 file' (Import GSA file will be deprecated in future in favour of the Bentley developed GSA link)

Major update to 'CADtools Structural Modelling Manual'

Resymbolisation rules now include 2.5mm text versions, and more rules for Concrete modelling

Model Annotation styles and Analysis Model styles amended to work with Arup layers and use a different text style (so they are immediately recognisable)

Part/Families updated to make use of new Structural 'Exist' and 'Demolish' levels


Bentley Mechanical

Support for Bentley Mechanical using the Bentley supplied 'hvac_metric_uk' dataset which uses the Uniclass layers


Bentley Architecture

Support for Bentley Architecture using the Bentley supplied 'ArchDatasetUniclassGB' dataset which also uses the Uniclass layers


Bentley Electrical

Support for Bentley Electrical with the Bentley supplied 'elecdatasetuk' dataset.


Bentley Navigator

Preliminary support for Bentley Navigator product.

No install scripts or install media supplied (awaiting 8.9.4 release, preliminary support is based upon 8.9.3 version of Navigator)

Assumes product is installed in C:\Program Files\Bentley_XM\ along with all other CADtools products

Preliminary support targets use of Navigator for exploring models created by Triforma based products (i.e appropriate MDL's are loaded for querying Triforma elements)


Known Issues

The Bentley Building products utilise an older installation technology than the Microstation XM installers. Due to this, and the general complexity of the installers for the Building products (i.e the main 'Structural' installer invokes 3 other sub-installers, as does the 'Mechanical' installer), the CADtools supplied install scripts may throw up some errors. The Mechanical install script is known to throw up errors when attempting the Trane Duculator install.

Almost all the install scripts for the Building products will stop at one point and ask a question about 'Imperial or Metric datasets'. Simply select the Metric dataset and click 'Next' to continue the installation.

If in doubt, simply run the appropriate Bentley supplied 'setup.exe' file, and proceed with a 'typical' install making sure the product is installed into C:\Program Files\Bentley_XM\ The installers are available from P:\Program Files\Oasys\CADtools_Ustn\Apps\Triforma_XM\Program\<product_version_directory>


Upgrading projects

Existing projects using plain Microstation for CAD can be upgraded to XM. Note: Consideration must be given to the consequences of using the updated CAD Standard on legacy projects. The CADtools Microstation team strongly recommend that projects are not upgraded unless they need to be.

Projects using the vertical applications such as InRoads, InRail or Bentley Structural will need to be thought about more thoroughly. Refer to the updated CADtools project Configuration Documentation


Amendments to the CADtools Structural modeling manual

The CADtools Structural 3d modeling manual has been revised, to include the following updates and revisions:

Expanded 'Project Setup' section

Explanation of the Solids Working Area and Real-world co-ordinates

Expanded 'Model Annotation' section

'Floormanager' instructions added

Extraction template descriptions added to '2D drawing extraction' section

Quantity reporting section updated to reflect new reporting spreadsheet

Expanded 'Integration with Analysis' section

New 'Creating 3d PDFs' section

Added new tools in the 'CADtools Add-ons' section

Some 'Watchits!' updated

Revised and expanded 'Data Exchange' section

Revised GenerativeComponents section

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