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Global Origin and references.

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When attaching a reference file, the Orientation is generally set to one of 2 options: Co-incident or Co-incident World.

Using ‘Co-incident’ the reference files are attached such that the edges of the design cube are aligned, irrespective of any changes to the Global origin in either of the files.

When one of the files may have a modified Global origin, it is safer to attach using ‘Co-incident World’ as this means the global origins will be aligned, rather than the edges of the design cube.




2 DGN’s referenced together, using the ‘Co-incident’ method, where one DGN has a modified global origin.  Note the co-ordinate systems don’t line up.




Two DGN’s referenced together using ‘Co-incident World’ which automatically aligns the global origins, such that the co-ordinate systems align (rather than the edges of the design cubes).


To set ‘Co-incident world’ as the default reference attachment setting for the project, add the following line to the project PCF file:

MS_REF_DEFAULTSETTINGS = attachMethod=world

Yes, there are 2 equals signs on that previous line.





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