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Moving the origin so the project lies inside the SWA.

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Imagine the design cube as a 3d dimensional point grid.  We can’t change the size of the grid (i.e the number of grid intervals along each side) but what we can do is ‘re-position’ the grid so that the grid point at the very centre of the cube is labelled 5000, 5000, 5000, instead of being labelled 0,0,0.



A design cube, 20000 units long on each side, where the centre is labelled 0,0,0





A design cube, 20000 units long on each side, where the centre is labelled 5000, 5000, 5000.

Note, by re-labelling the centre of the cube, we have given more room in the positive co-ordinate direction.



This re-labelling is known as moving the ‘Global Origin’ in Microstation.  Each grid division in the Design Cube is known as a ‘Unit of Resolution’ (or UOR).  The UORs cannot be moved, i.e the UOR 0,0,0 will always be at the centre of the cube, but they can be re-labelled such that the co-ordinate readout is ‘shifted’, i.e the UOR 0,0,0 can be ‘labelled’ as co-ordinates 5000,5000,5000.

To move the global origin, in the example above, use the keyin “GO=5000,5000,5000; xy=0,0,0|uors”.  That means, the UOR 0,0,0, will be labelled 5000,5000,5000 in global co-ordinates.

For projects lying outside the SWA, you must setup a project specific seed file to ensure all your modelling is done inside the SWA.  To accomplish that, follow these steps.

Copy ArupLib_3d_mm into your project seed file directory and amend the PCF file to activate the project seed file.  The PCF will also need editing to make sure the project seed file is used for the drawing extraction process (TFDIR_SEED and TF_DRAWSEED).

Pick a real-world co-ordinate to act as your ‘project origin’.  This origin should be selected such that there is enough room within the SWA to fit the entire structure.  Selecting a nice round real-world co-ordinate within 1klm of the project’s real world location is a good suggestion (If you project is more than 429 kilometres in one direction, you may need multiple seed files..)

Use the keyin “GO=xa,ya,0; xy=0,0,0|uors”, where the ‘project origin’ real-world co-ordinates are substituted for the values ‘xa’ and ‘ya’.  The | symbol is Shift+\ (above the enter key on most keyboards).

Moving the global origin is not reversible by using Undo.  If it’s wrong, simply exit the file without invoking a ‘Save Settings’  (i.e you may want to turn off Save Settings on exit, in your preferences.)



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