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Incremental Numbering

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Incremental Numbering tool allows you to incrementally label elements. Useful when you have a lots of elements that you need to label sequentially, eg. you have a number of piles and you need to updates their ID's.


After you select the tool from the CADtools menu, you will see a dialog similar to the one below:




Target Parameter: This is the name of parameter in the element that you like to change/label.

Format: This is the label formatting. '?' is the wildcard character, the number of '?' can be used to define the number of leading zeros the label should have.

 For example:

 ???? will result in 0001, 0002, 0003

 Pile_??? will result in Pile_001, Pile_002, Pile_003

 Pile_???_east will result in Pile_001_east, Pile_002_east, Pile_003_east

Start value: This is the starting value for the incremental numbering. This value will be automatically updated  after each labeling according to the step value.

Step: The step defines how much to increment the value after each click


Once you have filled in the details, and you click "Start Labeling", the dialog box will appear similar to the one shown below:



To stop the labeling process, press the {ESC} (escape) key.



Example Video





An example of a labeling process, here we want to label the 'Mark' parameter of the piles elements as "0001", "0002", "0003", and so on.
They are currently labeled "Mark 1", "Mark 2" etc


After first labeling




After second labeling



After third labeling





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