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The clip series of commands aids the assembly of plotting (paper space) drawings. There are separate routines which create the clip file, add the clip to the drawing, display the clip extents in the model drawing and restore the clip settings if they have been amended.


Suppose we have a drawing which is multi storey/zoned, and we wish to produce separate drawings of various levels/zones of the same areas of this drawing. We would create CLIPs of various parts of the drawing, which we wish to plot, and then add these clips into Paper Space via the ADDCLIP function.


The CLIP function simply creates two co-ordinates in a file. These co-ordinates are used to plot windows of the model at different scales (if required). If views of a different drawing are to be inserted into the plotted drawing, they must firstly be XREFed into the current drawing.


NB: When producing drawings of different floor levels/zones, the same clip definition file is used to plot the same area of the other floors.


The ADDCLIP function is then used to add the created clips into Paper Space to produce the assembly of the drawing to be plotted.





Records the co-ordinates of a rectangle in Modelspace for use by ADDCLIP



This command is used to create a clip window of drawing(s) which are to be assembled into a new plotting drawing which comprises of clips of drawings at different scales. Clips are given the extension .pwc, which stands for Plot Window Co-ordinates. When typing in a clip name, the .pwc extension is not required to be typed in by the user.


Command: CLIP

Name of Clip <CLIP>: myclip1 <Return>

First corner of Clip: (Pick point or type in co-ordinates)

Second corner of Clip:(Pick point or type in co-ordinates)

Clip named has been created.



In this particular example a clip called was created.


See also: AddClip, ShowClip, ResClip




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