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CADtools Ustn 2.3 release notes

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Important notes about this Release


The CADtools Microstation 2.3 release is a server only update and includes the following updated items.


Updated CAD standard


A number of requested changes were made to the Arup CAD standard, the complete list is available form Bugzilla: Bugzilla list of Changes to CAD Standard for CADtools Microstation 2.3


Note: due to the large number of changes made in the Arup CAD standard information, existing project are being provided with a link to the previous standard data.


CAD managers are encouraged to deploy the previous version of the CAD standard on their projects if they do not want the CadSN Standard changes to be automatically deployed. Instructions for using this information on existing projects is available here.


Improved Batch process Tools

A number of batch tools were previously only available in XM, most of these are now available in v8.5 (including tools such as 'Batch Insert Issue'). There are also a number of new batch tools such as 'Batch Update Issue'.


Most of the batch process tools are now available from the menubar (v8.5) or the tasks (XM).



Improvements to Drawing Setup routines

Some minor improvements have been made to the drawing setup and title block routines, such as:

In Microstation XM, the 'Discipline' field is now a drop-down box populated by the contents of ProjectSettings.txt

The 'By' field in the Insert Issue tool now remembers what the user last entered, rather than defaulting to the initials derived from their login. This makes it easier for people who use 3 letter initials, or something different to their login name.



These Inroads updates are provided by Mike Hayes and the Cardiff office as part of the Inroads Development.

As this update includes updated XIN / ITL file, InRoads users are advised to work with the and Civil.itl files from the project location. Instructions on how to implement this setup within the Inroads suite of applications are available here.


Note: Opening any of the Inroads suite of applications from the CADtools menu within MicroStation will automatically invoke deployment of the updated files.

Notes on the updated preferences are available from the Technical > Guides section of the CADSN intranet.


Updated XIN / ITL files preferences.

Custom reporting XSL files for:

End Area Volume

Triangle Volume

Alignment / Transverse Feature


Note the XSL file are copied into an 'Arup' folder on the local client machine in the following directory ..\Program Files\Bentley_XM\InRoads Group V8.9\XML Data


CADtools menu links to the InRoads guides on the CADSN intranet:

Bridge Clearance checks

End Area Volume Reports

Highway junction design




Bentley Structural

Minor fixes to the dataset delivered for 'Project Setup' (won't affect existing projects)

Added some new VBA macros for custom labels on resymb/annotation rules. For example, annotate the beam with it's length, or the XYZ co-ordinates of an end point.

Updated the CADtools Structural Manual with details of the available VBA macros for 'Custom labels'

Updated the 'CADtools Quantity Reportv8 + Report Wizard.xls' reporting spreadsheet in line with latest version from Bentley

Updated the 'Piling Report' in the CADtools Report Wizard to allow values to be converted to Meters on the fly. I.e DGN is in millimetres, report contains lengths, and Top/TOE RL's in meters.

Also includes a 'Node Report' which provides a report of all the unique endpoints of Structural elements.


Removal of Microstation v8.1 support

Microstation v8.1 has not been supported for a while now, but the files remained on many offices P: drives. With the 2.3 release these files will be removed.

The CADtools Microstation team have been checking the licence server logs an contacting those final few users who occasionally use v8.1


Removal of v8.1 seed files

With the removal of v8.1 the CADtools team has also superseded the seed files that were for use with that version.


From v8 2004 onwards, the default seed files were those beginning with 'ArupLib_', for example 'ArupLib_3d_M.dgn'. The 'Lib' refers to the fact the dimension and text styles are not defined in that file, but come from an attached DGN Library.


The older Arup_*.dgn seed files have been moved to a superseded directory, in order to limit the chances of users accidentally using them.


Addition of new DWG transeed

It has been discovered that the use of ArupLib_3d_M.dgn as the translation seed file was inadvertently changing the units of any DWG files edited using Microstation XM. (v8 2004 did not seem to have the same issue). Any DWG's editted in this manner would end up with their Design Centre units set to 'Meters'. Since CADtools Microstation requires the drawing borders to have their Design Centre units set to Millimeters, a number of users were only using v8 2004 to edit project specific drawing borders.


With this version of CADtools we have introduced a new file ArupLib_transeed.dgn, to act as the DWG translation seed files. NOTE: A units specific version of this seed file is NOT required as the DWG should retain the units defined within it, not inherit the units of the seed file.


Other items fixed/added

You can see the list of items that are scheduled for the CADtools Microstation 2.3 release here: Bugzilla list CADtools 2.3 for Microstation

The 'General' DGNlib layer library now includes an 'All Used Levels' filter, which can be used to filter the levels list in various toolbars/dialog boxes.



Supported software versions

This release of CADtools Microstation does not change any of the supported versions of Bentley software


The CADtools for Microstation 2.3 release is supported for the following product versions:

Microstation: (Unchanged)

InRoads: (Unchanged)

Bentley Structural: (Unchanged)

Bentley Building Mechanical: (Unchanged)

Bentley Building Electrical: (Unchanged)

Bentley Building Architectural: (Unchanged)

GenerativeComponents: (Unchanged)

Bentley Redline: (Unchanged)


Refer also to CADtools Ustn Software Versions




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